--------------------------------------------------- driver for Codesoft --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- 09/12/2013 - Version 31.02.08 .Database management: optimize printer communication (Esc READY/DONE) see SYSUPMOD 1/2/3 --------------------------------------------------- 15/11/2013 - Version 31.02.07 .Allow empty fields generation (clear Database fields when empty) --------------------------------------------------- 15/10/2013 - Version 31.02.06 .Barcod crash on bar code creation; file: FontMan.Cpp .Printer IQ integration --------------------------------------------------- 25/01/2013 - Version 31.02.05 .Printer IQ intregation --------------------------------------------------- 01/10/2012 - Version 31.02.04 .Barcod QRCode: Option "Auto" corrected --------------------------------------------------- 07/08/2012 - Version 31.02.03 .correction for Codesoft 10/8.5 problems on Barcods dialog box exit --------------------------------------------------- 08/06/2012 - Version 31.02.02 .Update for Codesoft 10 .Password modification: 1/PassGeneralIni2=password for all Formats/Fonts buttons (from POD_2.ini) [GLOBALVAR] PassGeneralIni2="999999" ... 2/fixed Source code password for Formats/Fonts buttons except "Delete" actions --------------------------------------------------- 31/05/2012 - Version 31.02.02 .QR Code correction (Rotation, Security) .dialog box: password modification. --------------------------------------------------- 15/05/2012 - Version 31.02.00 .2D barcod: QR Code --------------------------------------------------- 12/01/2012 - Version 31.01.7 .Barcods functions(FNC1, ...): functions can be implemented inside Prefix and Sufix ONLY for DATAMATRIX (see later for full integration) --------------------------------------------------- 01/04/2011 - Version 31.01.6 .for the printer: GENERIC COmmon implement the compression on the full image --------------------------------------------------- 28/02/2011 - Version 31.01.5 .Datamatrix modifications (provide GS1 Datamatrix) --------------------------------------------------- 03/02/2011 - Version 31.01.4 .corrects functions FNC not implemented inside the Datamatrix --------------------------------------------------- 15/11/2010 - Version 31.01.3Beta .corrects a crash on Barcods dialog box (only for some Windows systems) --------------------------------------------------- 01/11/2010 - Version 31.01.0Beta .integrate the 2D barcod: PDF 417 .Datamatrix/Codesoft: rows problem --------------------------------------------------- 16/09/2010 - Version 31.00.16 .Codesoft 9 - Windows 7 problems when running Codesoft as NON administrator user --------------------------------------------------- 18/02/2009 - Version 31.00.15 .ActiveX management: when using PrintLabel or PrintDocument, we can now set a timeout management (for Errors management) Implement for Igorle/Prats (Spain) --------------------------------------------------- 04/12/2008 - Version 31.00.14 .Formulas improvement for references: a formula can refer to everything: .variables .constants .or other formulas (with functions, ex Modulo10) example: -> in Codesoft: FormulaAll = "Var0 & Formula0 & Compteur1 " -> Esc commands, sent to the printer: 0EFormula0 05 0EVar0 0123456789 0ECompteur1 4201,0,1,1,9999 ... B06013504110094032110\0Var0\0\0Formula0\0\0Compteur1\0 ... --------------------------------------------------- 02/12/2008 - Version 31.00.13 .BarCod problem when using the option "Type = Auto" on Code 128. --------------------------------------------------- 18/06/2008 - Version 31.00.12 .Graphics: possible to integrate very big graphics (larger than the label size) --------------------------------------------------- 04/04/2008 - Version 31.00.11 .New language: Czeck --------------------------------------------------- 20/03/2008 - Version 31.00.10 .Possible to print Variables AND constants from formulas ex: "{FNC1}" & "01" & Gtin & "21" & Serial & "\029" is sent to the printer as: \xFNC1 01 \0 Gtin \0 21 \0 Serial \0 \029 constants are: "\029" or "{FNC1}" or "ConstantString" .all possible constants: 1/put directly the Code number: "\127" (for Opendate Fnc1) 2/put directly the String: "FixedString" 3/use constant standard names: "{FNC1}" -> 127, Fnc1 "{FNC2}" -> 128, Fnc2 "{FNC3}" -> 129, Fnc3 "{FNC4}" -> 157, Fnc4 "@A" -> 141, Set A "@B" -> 142, Set B "@C" -> 143, Set C "@1" -> 127, Fnc1 "@2" -> 128, Fnc2 "@3" -> 129, Fnc3 "@4" -> 157, Fnc4 "@S" -> 144, shift "{NUL}" -> 0 "{SOH}" -> 1 "{STX}" -> 2 "{ETX}" -> 3 "{EOT}" -> 4 "{ENQ}" -> 5 "{ACK}" -> 6 "{BEL}" -> 7 "{BS}" -> 8 "{HT}" -> 9 "{LF}" -> 10 "{VT}" -> 11 "{FF}" -> 12 "{CR}" -> 13 "{SO}" -> 14 "{SI}" -> 15 "{DLE}" -> 16 "{DC1}" -> 17 "{DC2}" -> 18 "{DC3}" -> 19 "{DC4}" -> 20 "{NAK}" -> 21 "{SYN}" -> 22 "{ETB}" -> 23 "{CAN}" -> 24 "{EM}" -> 25 "{SUB}" -> 26 "{ESC}" -> 27 "{FS}" -> 28 "{GS}" -> 29 "{RS}" -> 30 "{US}" -> 31 --------------------------------------------------- 02/11/2007 - Version 31.00.09 .Datamatrix and variables (formulas): keep the Fnc1 options --------------------------------------------------- 26/10/2007 - Version 31.00.08 .150 DPI resolution option on Continuous printers: problem with graphics --------------------------------------------------- 26/06/2007 - Version 31.00.07 .changes in All/Fontman.Cpp (From Teklynx-USA) .version for Codesoft 8.5 (Windows Vista) --------------------------------------------------- 18/04/2007 - Version 31.00.06 .crash after using the Button: "Download the SFP font" --------------------------------------------------- 05/04/2007 - Version 31.00.05 .changes for USA: using the option <> in Pod_2.ini WaitStatusQuantity=Yes used -> System variable: SYSUPMOD (4 or 5) -> Pod_2.ini: VariablesBack=Status the driver waits for the answer from the printer after each batch; the last batch printed terminates with the command ESC S (Deselect format) --------------------------------------------------- 27/03/2007 - Version 31.00.04 .bug on Printer/computer communication (Esc Ready/Done) --------------------------------------------------- 21/03/2007 - Version 31.00.03 .include the new Esc Y improvement Y01;Kit_Num,1;;Lot_Num,19-févr-07; 6108:Print On Line;Qty:000002/000004/001689 OK --------------------------------------------------- 01/03/2007 - Version 31.00.02 .Pod_2.ini, new features: [ForceSettings] Graphic_Type=2 --------------------------------------------------- 27/02/2007 - Version 31.00.01 .Pod_2.ini, new features: [MinimumMaximum] Burn_Max=700 Pressure_Max=40 --------------------------------------------------- 19/01/2007 - Version 31.00.00 .driver for Codesoft 8.5 .runs on all Codesoft 6.10 -> 8.5 --------------------------------------------------- 15/11/2006 - Version 21.00.13 .driver 150 DPI; half resolution only for graphics .bug with crossweb and screen (lose graphics compression settings) --------------------------------------------------- 25/10/2006 - Version 21.00.12 .for Continuous printer: new screen for all specific Continuous printers settings .improvement in pod_2.ini: to hide/show the settings --------------------------------------------------- 02/10/2006 - Version 21.00.11 .for Continuous printer: send the system variables SYSCORLEN and SYSCORNUM SYSCORLEN: "page height" in "Page setup" box, tab "page". SYSCORNUM: "copies of each page" in the "Print" box. .Delay too long corrected, when press the buttons and --------------------------------------------------- 23/08/2006 - Version 21.00.09 .new settings: dynamic resolution in General dialog box for Continuous printers; 150 or 300 DPI .printer GENERIC 700: possible to change the resolution inside Pod_2.ini; [ThermoCode GENERIC 700] ResolutionDPI=1800 --------------------------------------------------- 18/07/2006 - Version 21.00.08 .new printer: GENERIC 700. a 720 DPI printer to be able to use all Windows fonts sizes. but still prints in 300 DPI. .possible to get the settings from Codesoft 4 labels (printer 5775); special Driver version (compilation call: Pod.Prn, #define _CS4_RECUP) --------------------------------------------------- 05/07/2006 - Version 21.00.07 .Modifications on barcods (Code A, B, C, FNC1, ...) for EAN 128, Code 128 only, for fixed and variable bar cods. --------------------------------------------------- 27/06/2006 - Version 21.00.06 .provide the FontLoad.exe (font downloader) for Codesoft 6 .modify the driver link from MSVC: implement DelayImp.LIB (Load problems with Windows NT4, 98) --------------------------------------------------- 31/05/2006 - Version 21.00.05 .no conflict beetween CS 6, 7 and 8 .3 more files to install, especially on CS 7 and 8 (.Dll) .improvement on installation (to find automatically the directory for CS 6, 7 and 8) .intallation provides: -> Microsoft softwares: .NetFramework version 1.1 and 2.0 -> Microsoft softwares: MDAC for UK, and France --------------------------------------------------- 20/04/2006 - Version 21.00.04 .problem with Button <> with Codesoft 8 --------------------------------------------------- 02/04/2006 - Version 21.00.03 .printer dates: problem with the separator ("-" <-> "'") .installation: the good directory is automatically found (for Codesoft 6, 7 and 8) --------------------------------------------------- 16/02/2006 - Version 21.00.02 .dont send the ESC I .... with the printer date variables, when only update the format --------------------------------------------------- 06/02/2006 - Version 21.00.01 .on SendOnlyUpdate=Always, dont send the counters calls (Esc ZI Counter) --------------------------------------------------- 15/11/2005 - Version and 1/global graphics are reset. when "reload images at next print job" is checked, reset the graphics queue 2/Esc Ready/Done; possible to wait this signal after printing (Printing speed optimisation) --------------------------------------------------- 25/10/2005 - Version 11.10.29 and 22.0.29 .inprovement on the system variable: SysUpmod = 4 --------------------------------------------------- 20/10/2005 - Version 11.10.28 and 22.0.28 .information back from the printer: variables values and Status see SysUpmod = 4 --------------------------------------------------- 07/09/2005 - Version 11.10.27 and 22.0.27 .font hidden: allows to use a variable as a reference; but the object is not printable use the font name: Invisible ex: Settings/Fonts Vector font: Invisible .references to dates/times are now called in the format generated ex: see EObjDT00x, GEGrade 0LD2305F GELotNo 08C370636 GEPackNo 01.200 GECounter0 412375,1,1,1,99999 FThailand02 PSPEED 0100 PBURN1 0170 PBURN2 0170 PPRESSURE 20 PHOMOFF 03.0 PROTATE 0 EObjDT0001 510,0,0, EObjDT0002 710,0,0, EObjDT0003 620,0,0, TArial 0373027008001- TArial 0329031708001 TArial 0433031708001 TArial 0213004908001\0Grade\0 TArial 0215027008001\0LotNo\0 TArial 0384027008001\0PackNo\0 TArial 0215031708001\0ObjDT0001\0 TArial 0253031708001\0ObjDT0002\0 TArial 0291031708001\0ObjDT0003\0 TArial 0338031708001\0Counter0\0 B200217007513100100000108\0Grade\0\0LotNo\0\0ObjDT0001\0\0ObjDT0002\0\0ObjDT0003\0\0PackNo\0 Q000000 K SThailand02 --------------------------------------------------- 28/07/2005 - Version 11.10.26 and 22.0.26 ."Variable File": Esc 0 E variableNameOn10 A FileNameOn15 parameter: variableNameOn10 must terminate with a space .format name and variable; possible to affect a variable name to the format name create the variable with the name: GLOBAL_FormatName ex: Form/Add variable name: GLOBAL_FormatName local value: FormatXX --------------------------------------------------- 20/07/2005 - Version 11.10.25 and 22.0.25 .possible to force to print to Global variables instead of local variables with current variable: PrintToGlobalVariables=Yes Pod_2.ini [GLOBALVAR] ... PrintToGlobalVariables=Yes Format: Esc 0 G E variableNameOn10 ...data... Format: Esc 0 F ... ... Esc 0 T Arial ... \0variableNameOn10\0 ... Esk 0 K .new type of Variables: "Variable File" if a variable can be more than 40 bytes, we use this variable commands: Esc 0 H FileNameOn15 9 SizeOn6 ...file data.. Format: Esc 0 F ... ... Esc 0 E variableNameOn10 A FileNameOn15 ... Esc 0 T Arial ... \0variableNameOn10\0 ... Esk 0 K .datamatrix changes: integrate the Format Identity Esc B {ss} {xxxx} {yyyy} {hhhh} {o} {b} {r} {h} {c} {s} {a..a} (\0) {variable name} (\0) {b..b} Esc B {20} {xxxx} {yyyy} {qq} {i} {o} {m} {a} {cc} {rr} {bb} {dd} {a..a} (\0) {variable name} (\0) {b..b} ss=20=Datamatrix xxxx=column position yyyy=row position qq=Quality ECC 00 = 0 01 = 10 02 = 40 03 = 50 04 = 60 05 = 70 06 = 80 07 = 90 08 = 100 09 = 110 10 = 120 11 = 130 12 = 140 13 = 200 i=Format ID 1=1..9 ' ' 2=A..Z ' ' 3=1..9 A..Z ' ',.-/ 4=1..9 A..Z 5=ASCII 128 keyboard 6=ISO 8 bit international o=orientation; 0=0, 1=90, 2=270, 3=360 m=Mirror 0 = normal, 1 = mirror a=Automatic Size 1 = automatic size; SizeCol and SizeRow are disabled 0 = forced size, see SizeCol, SizeRow cc=SizeCol in dots [8-99] rr=SizeRow in dots [8-99] bb=Border size [1-15] dd=dots multiplier (1-99) --------------------------------------------------- 15/06/2005 - Version 11.10.21 and 22.0.21 formulas: possible to keep the original value calculated in Codesoft. (without references to any variables) POD_2.INI: [GLOBALVAR] FormulasReferToVariables=NO --------------------------------------------------- 09/06/2005 - Version 11.10.20 Datamatrix barcod integration. --------------------------------------------------- 20/04/2005 - Version 11.10.19 .Date/Time Variables: the "Seconds" are now printable (Command Esc 3 5) --------------------------------------------------- 22/12/2004 - Version 11.10.18 .Change objects order to print (Agfa reboot problem) 1. global graphics 2. the format 2.1 local graphics 2.2 local variables 2.3 fixed objects 2.4 variables calls --------------------------------------------------- 27/10/2004 - Version 11.10.17 .Dialog box, in Advanced: some formats were missing when click on "Resident layouts" --------------------------------------------------- 20/10/2004 - Version 11.10.16 .Bar cods improvement: narrow bar width from 1 to 9 dots --------------------------------------------------- 13/10/2004 - Version 11.10.15 .printing very big files on No direct access (spooler) --------------------------------------------------- 14/09/2004 - Version 11.10.14 .Memory management: on printing, if we dont have enough memory, a warning MessageBox is displaid. Switch on the settings: "Check printer status" to allow this memory check management. .the Graphics memory management is now Canceled: nothing happens when "Destination memory= On" AND "Reload images at next print job=On" ref: Version 11.10.12 .a new family: for the company TIARA-CML [TIARA-CML (400 Series)] ThermoCode 53S=POD,OD_53S ThermoCode 53M=POD,OD_53M ThermoCode 53L=POD,OD_53L ThermoCode 107S=POD,OD_107S ThermoCode 107M=POD,OD_107M ThermoCode 107L=POD,OD_107L ThermoCode 53CL=POD,OD_53CONTINOUS ThermoCode 53CR=POD,OD_53CONTINOUS ThermoCode 107CL=POD,OD_107CONTINOUS ThermoCode 107CR=POD,OD_107CONTINOUS ThermoCode Generic=POD,OD_GENERIC ThermoCode 53E=POD,OD_53E --------------------------------------------------- 17/08/2004 - Version 11.10.13 .Font SFP management: the font list was deleted after a Sfp font download --------------------------------------------------- 09/08/2004 - Version 11.10.12 "Destination memory" management. problem found: When "On", the driver sends Esc DV (Esc DV = delete all global graphics AND deactivate the current format) solution: ."Destination memory= On" AND "Reload images at next print job=On" The driver sends the conmmands Esc DV --------------------------------------------------- 29/06/2004 - Version 11.10.11 bar cods variable: Force to Code B and Keep FNC1, FNC2, or ... (only for code 128, ean 128) --------------------------------------------------- 05/05/2004 - Version 11.10.10 bar cods variable: correction for Code A,B,C, auto (only for code 128, ean 128) --------------------------------------------------- 30/04/2004 - Version 11.10.9 1/Date and Times variables offset in months, minutes, days integrated 2/Code 128-Auto with variables: use automatically the Code B (Ascii 32-127) --------------------------------------------------- 20/04/2004 - Version 11.10.8 1/Crash: on ALL printers, with CODESOFT 6.10 when using: .font downloaded trough the Fonts dialog box .playing with the barCod EAN 128 (or other ??) and human readable .corrected ONLY with OpenDate printers where ? fontman.cpp (see #define _THIERRY) remarks: Corrected on OpenDate printers. problem sent to Teklynx 2/human readable without/with the check digit --------------------------------------------------- 26/03/2004 - Version 11.10.7, 22.00.07 -internal resolution correction: 304.8 dots --------------------------------------------------- 13/03/2004 - Version 11.10.6, 22.00.06 -possible to force the driver to read all settings from user.ini before Printing and Displaying the settings dialog box. in Pod_2.ini: [GLOBALVAR] ... ReloadSettings=Yes -possible to send several System variables [GLOBALVAR] ... UseSystemVariables=Yes The system variables used are in User.ini, field: SystemVariables ex: [OD_53S,->COM9:] ... SystemVariables=SYSRIBTFR 95,SYSLANG 2 --------------------------------------------------- 13/02/2004 - Version 11.10.5, 22.00.05 -new printer: GENERIC Common this printer can be used as a general printer, with all existing features, Originally created for a german customer. possibility: to use directly all settings in a separated file ex: COMMON_GENERIC on COM1 file: USER.INI [OD_GENERIC_COMMON,->COM1:] Timeout=10 HomeOffset=36 Speed=2414 HeatAB=170 Pressure=21 CompressionImage=0 CheckPrinterStatus=0 DestinationMemory=0 FormatActived=0 InfinitePrinting=1 ImmediatPrinting=1 ReloadImages=1 SendModifiedData=1 StoreFixedImages=0 UseDefaultSettings=0 -new section in POD_2.INI: [HideOptionsInDialogBox] DISPLAY_ButtonDefault=0 DISPLAY_ButtonOptimize=0 DISPLAY_CheckPrinterStatus=0 DISPLAY_CompressionImage=0 DISPLAY_DestinationMemory=0 DISPLAY_FormatActived=0 DISPLAY_ImmediatPrinting=0 DISPLAY_InfinitePrinting=0 DISPLAY_Network=0 DISPLAY_ReloadImages=0 DISPLAY_SendModifiedData=0 DISPLAY_StoreFixedImages=0 DISPLAY_TimeOut=0 --------------------------------------------------- 08/01/2004 - Version 11.10.4 -error corrected: Format has no image --------------------------------------------------- 03/12/2003 - Version 11.10.3 -Tcp-Ip connection (tested with converter TcpIp-Serial) -Formula: if there is no reference to previous variables in a formula, the real value from Codesoft is printed. -check that exact printer connected=the printer installed for this, add a Global Variable with the value: PrinterHasToBeTheSame=YES POD_2.INI: [GLOBALVAR] PassGeneralIni1="4213" PassGeneralIni2="999999" NetworkNumber=9 NetworkPresence=0 ; SendOnlyUpdate=Always SendOnlyUpdate=Alway ;DisplayCounterBox=No PrinterHasToBeTheSame=Yes Anyelse value (PrinterHasToBeTheSame=No), there is no check beetween the printer installed and the real printer used. --------------------------------------------------- 01/11/2003 - Version 11.10.2 -Display the box for counters before printing for this, check the global variable and the value: DisplayCounterBox=YES POD_2.INI: [GLOBALVAR] PassGeneralIni1="4213" PassGeneralIni2="999999" NetworkNumber=9 NetworkPresence=0 ; SendOnlyUpdate=Always SendOnlyUpdate=Alway DisplayCounterBox=YES Anyelse value (DisplayCounterBox=No), there is no more counter box displaid before printing. --------------------------------------------------- 30/10/2003 - Version 11.10.1 -Continuous printer length .107C: max height=250 mm, W=106.6 .53C: max height=500 mm, W=53.3 -cancel the Counter dialog box DONE on version 22.00.01 -Driver version: see the driver version number with Right-Click in Microsoft Explorer -Increase the time update for variables graphics (Printers Generic) (for Korea) -if the checkbox "Send to memory" is on, we delete all global graphics (Esc DV) -Serial port management: on fast printing, the communication management changed,to receive and interprate the Esc Ready (or Done). Tested with Usb->Serial converter --------------------------------------------------- 07/10/2003 - Version 11.10.0 -Driver version: increase to 22.0.0 see the driver version number with Right-Click in Microsoft Explorer --------------------------------------------------- 07/10/2003: driver version integrated -Driver version: 11.10.0 -> for Codesoft 6.10 and fontDownloader 6.05 -Driver version: 22.0.0 -> for Codesoft 6.11 and fontDownloader 7.02.02 -Driver version: 22.0.0 -> for Codesoft 7 and fontDownloader 7.02.02 --------------------------------------------------- 02/10/2003 -Increase the time update for variables graphics (Printers Generic) (for Korea) -if the checkbox "Send to memory" is on, we delete all global graphics (Esc DV) -Serial port management: on fast printing, the communication management changed, to receive and interprate the Esc Ready (or Done). Tested with Usb->Serial converter --------------------------------------------------- 03/04/2003 -new compilation for Amoena -driver is ready to be integrated in Codesot 7.0 --------------------------------------------------- 06/03/2003 on WINDOWS XP and 2000 Crash on barcods: install Codesoft in a different directory (delete the directory before) --------------------------------------------------- 03/02/2003 integrate the 53E (Economy) printers.inf pod.prn and devices.def --------------------------------------------------- 03/12/2002 integrate a new Compression in Settings: LZ (zip algorithm) to increase the graphics printing speed. specially created for a french customer (Thales) --------------------------------------------------- 28/10/2002 POD.PRN, DEVICES.DEF, PRINTERS.INF integrate a new printer: Thermocode Generic. Created on a 107-L Size, this printer prints a label as one big graphic. Printing with The golbal variable "SendOnlyUpdate" to "Always" (file POD_2.INI) means that Codesoft sends only a big updated graphic each printing time. Warning: prints ALL objects on FIRST print only. Use this printer when managing from an activeX application for example !! --------------------------------------------------- 20/09/2002 POD.PRN new global variable in POD_2.INI: SendOnlyUpdate the value is "Always" to print only updated variable fields in Codesoft. POD_2.INI: [GLOBALVAR] PassGeneralIni1="4213" PassGeneralIni2="999999" NetworkNumber=9 NetworkPresence=0 SendOnlyUpdate=Always Anyelse value (SendOnlyUpdate=No), the full label is printed on first print (like previous version) --------------------------------------------------- 10/09/2002 POD.PRN .Formulas: all variables referred in a formula are printed. a fixed text inserted beetween variables is also printed. .ShiftCodes management: 1:in Codesoft, set a SYSSHIFT variable with the following value (they are the hours): 0815,0915,1015,1115,1215,1315,1415,1515,1615,1715,1815,1915,2015,2115,2215,2315,0015, 0115,0215,0315,0415,0515,0615,0715 2:with Termode, set the SYSSHIFT system variable. example: XSYSSHIFT A01,B02,C03,D04,E05,F06,G07,H08,I09,J10,K11,L12,M13,N14,O15,P16,Q17,R18,S19,T20,U21,V22,W23,X24 example with a full format to send through Termode or ServiceMode: XSYSSHIFT A01,B02,C03,D04,E05,F06,G07,H08,I09,J10,K11,L12,M13,N14,O15,P16,Q17,R18,S19,T20,U21,V22,W23,X24 FShiftCode PSPEED 0100 PBURN1 0170 PBURN2 0170 PPRESSURE 20 PHOMOFF 03.0 PROTATE 0 ESYSSHIFT 90815,0915,1015,1115,1215,1315,1415,1515,1615,1715,1815,1915,2015,2115,2215,2315,0015,0115,0215,0315,0415,0515,0615,0715 L005700410492055500120012 TArial 0077006611001\0SYSSHIFT\0 Q000000 K SShiftCode GP --------------------------------------------------- 29/08/2002 POD.PRN ."All printers" has been deleted for the Network printers .in internal Graphic management: function added: windows Background. --------------------------------------------------- 11/07/2002 POD.PRN .Change for printers 5775: print Graphics, Download Firmwares for Hand Terminal and printers .date fields offset on 4 digits on printers Serie II .font download: SFP, font downloader for 5775 and Series II --------------------------------------------------- 14/05/2002 POD.PRN Fontdownload/Codesoft network number management. --------------------------------------------------- 08/04/2002 POD.PRN POD2.PRN disappears. The printers 5775 and SeriesII are both managed in the same driver: POD.PRN --------------------------------------------------- 18/03/2002 POD2.PRN coordinates x,y for < 0 object positions --------------------------------------------------- 13/03/2002 POD2.PRN integrate a new language: Nederlands (dutch) --------------------------------------------------- 04/02/2002 POD2.PRN the dialog boxes are different with Continuous printers (Print offset) --------------------------------------------------- 31/01/2002 Install again a version after Remove the same one: delete in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall (depends on system: Millenium) the message from Windows Installshields is: <> --------------------------------------------------- 20/01/2002 Dongle problem on 4 bytes system: uninstall the old dongle software: hinstall -u install the new one. --------------------------------------------------- 20/11/2001 POD2.PRN Automatic printing is not a default settings anymore FontDownloader: no delete font command sent to the printer Default/Optimize buttons dont change on Network/No network settings Modification on Download fonts: for font names to 10 characters Variable fields: the good length is printed now (if fields longer than maximum) Date NOT printer: the message "X position error" corrected --------------------------------------------------- 14/11/2001 POD2.PRN Local and Shared variables: local only fixed Graphics: the user can choose --------------------------------------------------- 22/10/2001 POD2.PRN New functions: Download a firmware screen modifications: simplify the graphics memory management --------------------------------------------------- 17/10/2001 POD2.PRN number of digits change from 5 to 6 (for graphics > 99 999 bytes) --------------------------------------------------- 25/09/2001 POD2.PRN date & time possible now with AM PM --------------------------------------------------- 25/09/2001 POD2.PRN date & time possible now with working offset --------------------------------------------------- 19/09/2001 POD2.PRN change graphic compression management (with polygons) --------------------------------------------------- 17/09/2001 POD2.PRN Default button for all settings --------------------------------------------------- 14/08/2001 POD2.PRN updated graphics, Escape Ready, compression --------------------------------------------------- 20/07/2001 POD2.PRN big graphics with some computers don’t print RUN WITH: firmware 2.06.103.HEX TERMODE V1.1.8 NETMODE V2.0.3 --------------------------------------------------- 18/07/2001 POD2.PRN 1 character for Months is now possible (command SYSMONTH1) --------------------------------------------------- 04/07/2001 POD2.PRN Temperature B->A removed in the dialog box; File name up to 15 characters --------------------------------------------------- 08/06/2001 POD2.PRN problem on formulas --------------------------------------------------- 23/05/2001 POD.PRN (AEMONA) special version to run with firmware TPHC_5.a.HEX bug when send firmware to the printer --------------------------------------------------- 18/04/2001 POD2.PRN rotation + dalog boxes + network --------------------------------------------------- 03/04/2001 POD.PRN CS6 crash on Counters --------------------------------------------------- 30/03/2001 POD2.PRN common commnads with Watchmode, Termode --------------------------------------------------- 02/03/2001 POD2.PRN network version (installed in Warminster) --------------------------------------------------- 12/02/2001 POD2.PRN New: Delete one Format file print poly-lines --------------------------------------------------- 05/02/2001 POD.PRN crash on Send to the KEYPAD --------------------------------------------------- 02/02/2001 POD2.PRN Line Feeds when ask the printer (Network, Fonts) --------------------------------------------------- 15/01/2001 POD, POD2 to OPD France, Germany ---------------------------------------------------