-------------------------------------- POD_2.ini For: Codesoft driver (POD.PRN) Where: Codesoft directory -------------------------------------- [GLOBALVAR] PassGeneralIni1="4213" PassGeneralIni2="999999" NetworkNumber=9 NetworkPresence=0 ;SendOnlyUpdate=Always ;DisplayCounterBox=No PrinterHasToBeTheSame=Yes ReloadSettings=Yes ReloadSettingsFrom=c:\dataSaved.ini UseSystemVariables=Yes FormulasReferToVariables=Yes PrintToGlobalVariables=Yes ;VariablesBack=Counters,Status ;VariablesBack=Counters,Status,Variables,Dates,All WaitEscReadyDone=Yes ;WaitStatusQuantity=Yes [ThermoCode GENERIC 700] ResolutionDPI=1800 [HideOptionsInDialogBox] DISPLAY_ButtonDefault=1 DISPLAY_ButtonOptimize=1 DISPLAY_CheckPrinterStatus=1 DISPLAY_CompressionImage=1 DISPLAY_DestinationMemory=1 DISPLAY_FormatActived=1 DISPLAY_ImmediatPrinting=1 DISPLAY_InfinitePrinting=1 DISPLAY_Network=1 DISPLAY_ReloadImages=1 DISPLAY_SendModifiedData=1 DISPLAY_StoreFixedImages=1 DISPLAY_TimeOut=1 DISPLAY_ContinuousSettings=1 DISPLAY_ResolutionY=1 DISPLAY_Crossweb=1 DISPLAY_AdvancedSettings=1 DISPLAY_FontBox=1 DISPLAY_BoxCurrentFormat=1 DISPLAY_Box1=1 DISPLAY_ButtonDateTime=1 [MinimumMaximum] Burn_Max=700 Pressure_Max=40 [ForceSettings] Graphic_Type=2 ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ ========================================= WaitStatusQuantity=Yes used -> System variable: SYSUPMOD (4 or 5) -> Pod_2.ini: VariablesBack=Status the driver waits for the answer from the printer after each batch; the last batch printed terminates with the command ESC S (Deselect format) ========================================= [MinimumMaximum] : new section to integrate new borns for settings Burn_Max: new maximum for the setting "Burn" Pressure_Max: new maximum for the setting "Pressure" ========================================= [ForceSettings]: new section to force some settings values Graphic_Type: force the graphic type to '2' graphic type value: 0=no compression, 1=Pcx, 2=no compression new form, 3=Lz ========================================= ResolutionDPI=1800 .active resolution in DPI used for the printer driver: ThermoCode GENERIC 700 before printing, the image is stretched into 305 DPI. ========================================= WaitEscReadyDone: .=Yes: Codesoft waits the signal " READY" or "DONE" from or " Y ..." the printer after printing , the developper does not need to manage this signal from the printer) special use: 1-with ActiveX, the program does need to manage the message from the printer 2-when dont use Infinite printing, the GP command generates a conflict beetween sending the data and Receiving back the Esc Y; .=No: no action; except on Merge (as it was) ========================================= VariablesBack=Counters,Status,Variables,Dates,All use with SYSUPMOD=4; see Variables back from the printer after each printing cycle instead of DONE or READY, the printer sends back with: .: the current printer status information "Y016108:Print On Line;Qty:000000/000000/010545OK" - Y 01 - 6108: status - Qty: xxxxxx / yyyyyy / zzzzzz xxxxxx: quantity printed yyyyyy: quantity to print from ESC Q inside the format (0 if infinite printing) zzzzzz: total quantity printed - OK : end .: all counters name and value .: all variables name and value .: all dates fields .: everything mentioned above this line ========================================= PrintToGlobalVariables: .=Yes: force to print to Global variables instead of local variables Format: Esc 0 G E variableNameOn10 ...data... Format: Esc 0 F ... ... Esc 0 T Arial ... \0variableNameOn10\0 ... Esk 0 K .Else: default value Codesoft sends the Variables as Locals (ESC E) ========================================= FormulasReferToVariables: .=No: the driver keeps the original value calculated in Codesoft. (without references to any variables) .Else: default value formula is based on the defined variables (if present). ========================================= ReloadSettings: -possible to force the driver to read all settings from user.ini before Printing and Displaying the settings dialog box. ========================================= ReloadSettingsFrom=c:\dataSaved.ini -possible to force the driver to read this as a User.ini file -enter a Full file path name ========================================= UseSystemVariables: -possible to send several System variables The system variables used are in User.ini, field: SystemVariables ex: [OD_53S,->COM9:] ... SystemVariables=SYSRIBTFR 95,SYSLANG 2 ========================================= PassGeneralIni1: PassGeneralIni2: passwords used in dialog box ========================================= NetworkNumber: last network number used by the Codesoft ========================================= NetworkPresence=0 values: .0 if no network set .1 else ========================================= SendOnlyUpdate values: .=Always: if we just send the updated data to the external device specially used with the 'Generic' printer Warning: print ALL objects on FIRST print only. Use this Generic printer when managing from an activeX application for example .Else: we send all data ========================================= DisplayCounterBox=No values: .=Yes: a box is displaid before printing to get all information about counters. .Else: All data from the Standard counter dialog box are used. ========================================= PrinterHasToBeTheSame=Yes .=Yes: the driver checks that the printer installed and the external device are the same. .Else: no check ========================================= DISPLAY_ButtonDefault=1 DISPLAY_ButtonOptimize=1 DISPLAY_CheckPrinterStatus=1 DISPLAY_CompressionImage=1 DISPLAY_DestinationMemory=1 DISPLAY_FormatActived=1 DISPLAY_ImmediatPrinting=1 DISPLAY_InfinitePrinting=1 DISPLAY_Network=1 DISPLAY_ReloadImages=1 DISPLAY_SendModifiedData=1 DISPLAY_StoreFixedImages=1 DISPLAY_TimeOut=1 DISPLAY_ContinuousSettings=1 DISPLAY_ResolutionY=1 DISPLAY_Crossweb=1 DISPLAY_AdvancedSettings=1 DISPLAY_FontBox=1 DISPLAY_BoxCurrentFormat=1 DISPLAY_Box1=1 DISPLAY_ButtonDateTime=1 Display or not the options in the printer driver dialog box